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Open House on the Horizon? Make Your Buyers Feel Welcome

An open house can be the “make or break” moment, the factor that decides whether an interested buyer chooses to purchase the home or decides it’s not what they want. Hence, it pays to make that first impression one that’s memorable and works in your favor.

First impressions are everything. Could the home use a fresh coat of paint? Maybe the yard is in dire need of some landscaping. Considering the exterior is the first thing a prospective buyer will see, it’s imperative that the home is clean and eye-catching. With that in mind, clean everything and then clean some more. You may be surprised where buyers might decide to look.

Consider home staging. Home staging involves strategically placing furniture and décor to increase the home’s appeal while also paying close attention to color schemes. If you’re not the interior decorating type, home staging is a proven method of ensuring your home looks and feels inviting while minimizing the odds of turning off buyers that may not agree with your personal tastes.

Refrain from getting personal. Speaking of personal tastes, you don’t want to include anything that’s personal to you, whether that’s family pictures, a work of art your child may have drawn, anything that’s tied to you. The goal is to make it easier for a buyer to visualize calling the property their home, not yours.

Let the sunshine in. Make use of as much natural light as possible. Open the curtain and blinds and keep the lights on even if it’s bright outside. Light not only makes the home look more inviting, it can also create the illusion of greater space.

This update is presented by the Miami Beach real estate team representing Blackstone International Realty, specializing in Continuum South Beach.If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Continuum North Tower for sale, call the Continuum experts at 305-588-2451 for information on current sales and rentals.