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Miami Beach Outlines Its Re-Opening Initiative

Miami Beach recently revealed its tentative plans to re-open the barrier island, a plan expected to be carried out in a series of phases. These plans were presented to the city by the Finance and Economic Committee and will begin with the re-opening of the city’s restaurants.

Despite the plans, there is no intention of proceeding with them unless Miami Beach sees at least fourteen days of COVID-19 cases drop. Although no specific date has been set, city commissioners are anticipating that the re-opening plan could begin to go into effect around the middle or the end of May. Again, this will depend on whether cases of infection and hospital numbers do indeed begin to decrease.

As for phase one of the plan, restaurants would be limited to a maximum of fifty percent capacity and there would be a required six-foot minimum distance between the tables. Guests would be allowed to sit outside but seats at the bars would remain closed. Employees will also be required to face masks and they would also need to work staggered shifts.

It’s worth noting that hotels nor beaches are part of the initial phase.

Blackstone International Realty, LLC provides buyers, sellers, and renters with the access to exceptional properties – both on and off the market – in the Miami Beach luxury real estate market, and throughout South Florida. Each agent is thoroughly trained to provide clients with exceptional service, competency, and professionalism. For more information on the company or Continuum in South Beach call 305-588-2451.