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Miami Beach Is Among the Best for Vacation Homes

While the standard thing for most people to do is to stay at a nice hotel or bed and breakfast when traveling, that isn’t necessarily the case for everyone. Many people prefer the comfort and privacy of a vacation home, and it seems South Florida has no shortage of them.

Per a recent report by Expedia, Miami Beach is among the several cities in South Florida considered to be among the top vacation home destinations. These rankings were determined by taking a look at cities with a population minimum of 1,000 people and examining factors such as listing growth, livability, and the amount of “seasonal” homes. To determine livability, the city’s “walkability” was taken into account, a common term generally used in real estate to determine how close a home is to amenities.

Miami Beach was singled out for its broad selection of waterfront vacation residences; over fifty percent of them are “on the water”. If you’re interested in learning more about these waterfront vacation residences or some of the Miami Beach condos within walking distance from the ocean, get in touch with us. We specialize in some of the finest vacation experiences in the barrier island, including the Continuum condo.

This update is presented by the Miami Beach real estate team representing Blackstone International Realty, specializing in theContinuum in South Beach. If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Continuum South Tower for sale, call the Continuum experts at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.