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Easily Invest in Miami Beach Real Estate with Monroe Funding Corporation

Few would disagree Florida is amongst the cities where a smorgasbord of worthwhile properties abound for those seeking a beefy return on investment. While the majority of fearless investors may decide a bank is a surefire way to go to procure funding, the approval process includes many hurdles, and substantial bureaucracy is involved before the bank will provide funds. Since the approval process may extend for several weeks, a lucrative property may arise but, due to having to wait for the bank, that property may go to someone else that can offer the money upfront.

As a hard money loans Miami company, Monroe Funding Corporation is all about simplifying and expediting the financing process. Its status as a direct mortgage lender for numerous areas across Florida, the company has developed and fine-tuned its knowledge in helping buyers and investors reach their goals quickly and professionally. The terms and conditions provide considerable flexibility to meet long-term or short-term targets and approval can be expected in mere minutes versus having to wait weeks, with no credit check required.

Should you wish to explore funding opportunities with Monroe Funding Corporation, please visit https:/ You can also find out more about the simple, straightforward method of hard money lending by watching this informative YouTube video:

This post is by Blackstone International Realty, LLC, providing buyers, sellers, and renters with the access to exceptional properties – both on and off the market – in the Miami Beach luxury real estate market, and throughout South Florida. For more information on the company, please call 305-588-2451.