Changes in Store for Miami Beach Cafes
Next year, taking a stroll through one of the Miami Beach thoroughfares like Ocean Drive and Lincoln Road, things may look a little different. City officials have passed new ordinances aimed at regulating the many cafes that are found on the sidewalk.
With the new ordinance, those special boards that stand just outside the cafe showing some of the food and drink specials will no longer be allowed as part of Miami Beach’s new Sidewalk Cafe Code of Conduct. The new ban applies to sidewalk cafes citywide except for the ones situated to the north of 63rd Street.
Special boards are considered different from a cafe’s menu board. These are the ones that typically advertise any deals or promotions the cafe may have going on. These boards have been blamed for causing overcrowding and pedestrian access interference. The regular cafe menu boards will not be affected by the new ordinance.
The Sidewalk Cafe Code of Conduct also has rules in place specifically aimed at cafes located on Ocean Drive between Fifth Street and 15th Street operators will not be allowed to solicit pedestrians unless those people show an interest. Furthermore, printed advertisements cannot be distributed unless they are requested nor can they be held or displayed in a manner that hinders pedestrian access.
This update is presented by the Miami Beach real estate team representing Blackstone International Realty, specializing in the Continuum in South Beach. If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Continuum South Tower for sale, call the Continuum experts at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.