South Beach-Miami Trolley Line Might Become a Reality

Everybody knows about the horrors of Miami traffic. The route from Miami to Miami Beach can be especially congested. However, the city of Miami is trying to turn that around with the plans for a new trolley. This planned trolley will run from downtown Miami to South Beach.

The City of Miami hopes that the trolley will get some commuters off the MacArthur Causeway. The trolley would start from the Bayside Marketplace, go down the MacArthur Causeway, hit 5th street, and then loop back around to the Bayside Marketplace. Riders can get off at 5th street and transfer to another trolley that takes them deeper into Miami Beach. Right now, the city plans for four trolleys that run seven days a week, from 4pm to midnight.

The city planners are hopeful that this trolley will be popular, because more and more riders have been using the trolleys in Miami and Miami Beach. It’s better for the environment, and faster than sitting in traffic.

Let’s hope that the South Beach-downtown Miami trolley system will help reduce traffic.

This update is presented by the Miami Beach real estate team representing Blackstone International Realty, specializing in the Continuum in South Beach. If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Continuum condos for sale, call the Continuum experts at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.

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