Welcome to ContinuumInSouthBeach.com, a comprehensive resource for anyone buying, selling or renting condos in the Continuum South Beach.
This website represents an extension of my personal brand as a real estate broker. Please review my biography below and contact me to have your next Continuum South Beach real estate transaction executed with exceptional skill.
Broker Tim Allen is a graduate of the prestigious Cranbrook Schools and holds an undergraduate degree in Real Estate Finance (Business) from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. Throughout college and law school at Michigan State University College of Law, Mr. Allen was a key player in the management of a boutique real estate development company, overseeing project accounting and the construction of 67 multi-family apartments and condominiums throughout Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana.
Since relocating to South Florida, Mr. Allen has been adding value to business and real estate transactions as counsel to significant real estate developers, construction companies and countless buyers and sellers of real estate and small businesses; particularly dental and medical practices.